Requirements for a Fully Set up Database

We thought it would be helpful to give you a bird's eye-view of what a fully set up database looks like. You can use the list below as a checklist as you implement your GoDoChurch database.

A fully set up database has the following setup requirements. Optional setup steps are marked as 'optional'.

Database and Communication basics

  • A profile for every congregant has been created in the system.
  • A bundle of SMSes has been purchased.

  • To send custom branded emails: MailChimp account has been integrated with GoDoChurch (optional).


Ministries, Roles, and Growth Path

  • All ministries and church roles have been added to those modules.
  • You have outlined your growth path in the Growth Path module. 



  • To use the ‘Announcements news channel’: Make sure you have assigned your default news channel before you add people to your database.
  • To use custom news channels: Have created and setup all custom news channels.



  • List categories and their lists have been added (optional).



  • Follow up reasons have been added (optional).

  • Locations have been added (optional).

  • Age groups have been added (optional).

  • Regions have been added, along with relevant co-ordinator (optional).



  • If your church is based in South Africa you have added bank account info into settings so we can pay your church out for the sale of online tickets.

  • If your church is based outside of South Africa, no setup is required to use events.


Kids Church

  • All families have been created by linking parent profiles together.

  • All children have been added to respective families.

  • Kids church classes have been created.


Sunday Services

  • Details for each service have been set up in Sunday Service module.



  • Group categories and types have been set up.

  • Permission levels for group categories have been set (optional).

  • Regions with co-ordinators have been set up (optional).


Mobile App

  • News channels are set up and have at least three posts in them.

  • Ministries, Church Roles, and Growth Path modules are set up.

  • Have created at least one upcoming event.

  • Have loaded at least 2-3 sermons (optional).

  • Have developed a long-term plan to out-roll the app for the congregation.