Adding/Deleting a Profile from GoDoChurch
There are three ways to add a profile to your database: 1) use the Quick add feature, 2) use the Add Person feature from the main menu, or 3) you can ask us to do a bulk import of data into GoDoChurch for you.
Using the Quick Add button
At the very top of the screen is the Quick Add button.
To add a person using the Quick add button:
Clicking the Quick Add button opens the Add a person pop-up.
Enter the person’s info, and click Add. Note, you need to add a first and last name and at least an email or telephone number.
Whenever you try to add a person GoDoChurch checks to see if the person is already in the system. It may generate a list of potentially matching people. Click Use if the person you want to add appears in the list provided. Click Create if the person does not appear on the list.
If you would like to add another profile, click Add another.
If you would like to edit or add more info to the person's profile click Edit this Record. This will open the profile page. Here you can add Gender, Anniversary, and Birthdate etc..
To add an address, click More >> Address Info. You can then use Google Maps to set an address for the person.
NB: it is vital that you save the updated information by clicking Save. Failure to do so will result in any changes being lost.
Deleting a Profile
To remove a profile from your database:
- Begin by searching for the person you want to remove.
Once their profile is open make sure you are viewing the Basic Info tab.
Scroll to the bottom of the view and click Delete This Person. The person and all their data will be deleted from your database. Note: this cannot be undone. You will lose the information including the historical data.
There are some cases where we will not allow the profile to be deleted. In those cases, you will receive an error message. Usually, the person is assigned as a point person in the Follow Up module, a ministry leader, or the Primary Parent of a household. you will need to remove them from the position in order to delete them.
Email for assistance.