Setting up a Growth Path
Most churches have a set of activities that they recommend their congregants participate in for their own personal growth. The Growth Path module allows you to craft a growth path specific to your church's needs and then keep track of how individuals in your church are progressing.
The Growth Path module's function is not to rank people but to help leadership spot growth opportunities in their congregation.
You can access and edit this information either from the Growth Path tab in a profile, or from the Growth Path module.
Structuring your Growth Path
It is important to understand how the growth path is structured. Some growth paths are simple with one stage and a few activities, others have multiple stages with activities in each stage.
Here is a simple example of a three-step growth path: 1) born again, 2) attend new members course 3) attend biblical foundations course.
If you need some suggestions on how to structure your growth path, have a look at the sample Growth path that your database is populated with. You can change or delete these steps if you need to.
Setting up your Growth Path
To create a Growth Path stage:
Open the main menu and click Church Life >> Growth Path.
Click Add new growth path category to create your growth path stage.
Fill in the Category Name and the Display Order and click Save.
To create a Growth Path activity:
On the category heading under which you want to create the activity click on the Plus icon.
This will open up a window where you can add the activity by filling in the Growth Path Activity Name, Description, and the Display Order.
Click Save.
To edit or delete a Growth Path stage:
Click on the Edit icon next to the Plus Icon on the stage header. This will open the settings window for that stage.
To edit, make the relevant changes and click on Save when done.
To delete, click on the red Delete icon at the bottom of the window.
Note: You can only delete a Stage/category if there are no activities under it.
Adding people to a Growth Path Activity
There are 3 ways to add members to a Growth Path Activity.
1. To add members to an activity via the Growth Path module:
Open the Growth Path module from the main menu: Church Life >> Growth Path.
Click on the Members button of the growth path activity you want to add members to.
In the text field provided start typing the name of the person you want to add (you will need to type in 3 letters before the system will auto-suggest someone).
Click on the name of the person you would like to add, and then click the Add Person button. They will then be added to your growth path activity.
To remove a person from an activity simply click the Remove button next to their name.
Quick tip: if you need to quickly add someone to your database click the Quick Add button in the top menu bar. Note: This will only add them to your database; you will still need to add them to the activity of your choice.
2. To add members to a growth path activity via the person’s profile page:
Use the quick search box in the top menu bar to find the person you are looking for.
On their profile window, click on Growth Path.
Scroll down to the Growth Path stage and tick the box of the growth path activity or activities you want to add the person to.
Click Done to save the changes and close the window. The person is now added to the growth path activities that you indicated.
3. Sync search results to a growth path activity
Use the Advanced Search function to search for, for example, everyone who attended a specific event.
Select all of the search results (tickbox) and click on Bulk actions >> Sync selected people to.
Select the growth path activity that you want this search results to be added to from the dropdown list.
If you want to add the search results to the list, leave the next tickbox empty. Or if you want to replace the list with your search result tick the box.
Click on Sync list. The profiles are now added to the growth path activity that you indicated.
Sending messages to a Growth Path Activity
Sending messages to a growth path activity, whether they are SMSes, emails, or push-notifications, is very easy. All you need to do is open the growth path step by clicking the Members button next to the activity and then clicking on the Message button at the top of the screen. From there you can select what kind of message you would like to send.
Q: Can we link events to the growth path?
A: Wouldn't it be great if you could link attendance at an event with a growth path activity? Yes, it would, and we plan on adding this feature in the future. But at the moment all growth path activity need to be updated manually as above.
Members can update their own Growth Path in the mobile app if your permission settings allow for this.
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