This document outlines the terms and conditions related to adding bank account info into the GoDoChurch system. By adding an account to the GoDoChurch system you agree to the following terms and conditions.
1. Entering the correct bank details
When adding bank account info users of the system need to double check they have entered the correct branch and account numbers. If the wrong bank account info is entered, GoDoChurch takes no responsibility to recover money deposited into the incorrect bank account, and may not be held liable in any way. In the event that incorrect bank account info is entered, it will be the church's responsibility to contact the relevant bank to remedy the situation. Should the money be unrecoverable, GoDoChurch may not be held liable. GoDoChurch will also not refund any money deposited into the incorrect bank account in the event that the bank account info was entered incorrectly by the church's staff members or users to whom permission has been given to use the system.
2. Notify all Admin staff when bank info is added or edited
For security purposes, bank account info can only be added by a person with Administrator permissions. Whenever a bank account is added or edit in the GoDoChurch system we notify all individuals on the database who have Administrator permissions re. what changes were made, as well as who on your staff made the changes. By adding or editing a bank account you give us permission to send these email notifications.
3. Setting default bank accounts
The GoDoChurch system allows churches to add multiple bank accounts which can be used for different payout purposes. When adding a bank account to the system the user has the option of setting the account as the default account to be used for specific aspects of the system. For example, if an account is set as the default for events, all events created from that point onwards will have that bank account set, by default, as the payout account for that aspect of the system. If an account is incorrectly set, by a church's staff or anyone using their database, as the default for an aspect of the system, GoDoChurch will not be held liable if funds are paid into that account incorrectly.
4. Setting payout accounts on a per-event or per fund basis.
The GoDoChurch system allows churches to add multiple bank accounts which can be used for different payout purposes. When creating an event or setting up a giving fund (this feature will be released in 2019), the user (not GoDoChurch) is responsible for specifying into which account funds owing should be deposited. If a user on your database selects the wrong bank account into which we should deposit funds, GoDoChurch takes not responsibility for this and may not be held liable.