Manage Group Categories and Types

This tutorial will explain how to create and manage group categories and types. It assumes you have read Introduction to Groups and understand how groups are structured in GoDoChurch.

Creating a group category

To create a group category:

  • Open the Groups module from the main menu: Church Life >> Groups.

  • Click Categories/Types Settings. This will load the Categories and Types settings page.

  • The light grey columns  (See A on the image below) represent the group category info; the rows nested under the light grey rows (See B on the image below) represent the info for the group types of that group category.

  • Every database comes with a default category and type. You are free to edit or delete those defaults.

  • To create a new category, click the green button at the top of the page that says New Category. A pop up will appear.

  • Add the name of the category, and a description.

  • Click Save.

  • Two things will now happen: 1) the system will create a new category for you and 2) automatically create a new default group type for you in that category. You are free to edit that type or delete it if you so choose.

Note: all the advanced features of categories and types such as search and edit permission are covered in Search and editing permissions for groups.

To edit a category

  • Click the Edit button next to the category name.


To delete a category

  • In order to delete a group category, you will need to a) delete or reassign all groups that fall under that group category, and b) delete all group types that are under that category.

  • Once that is done click the Delete button next to the category in question.

Creating group types

To create/add a group type:

  • Open the Groups module and click the Categories/Types Settings button.

  • Find the group category to which you want to add a new group type and click the Add type button which you can find next to the name of the group category.

  • Next fill in the name of the type and a short description.

  • Click Save.

Note: all the advanced features of categories and types such as search and edit permission are covered in Setting group permissions.

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